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    Trackless Fold Door
    Product Features:
    1、Angle of 45 degrees of arc, sash frame with arc bag, beautiful atmosphere;
    2、No tracks, no threshold, no water is easy to clean;
    3、Positive and negative with handle, bolt can be installed in positive and negative, hinge adopts lash type, hanging hanging wheel is equipped with spring mechanism, scalable, switch more natural smooth;
    4、Can be made small double door.

    Luxury without rail small folding door series: color, high Guangbai apple wood, Bai Xiangmu, red walnut, pear.
    Specific color to color card companies prevail in kind.
    Product Structure:
    Product Application:
    Copyright © 2014 Foshan Liang Ge Building Material Co., Ltd. all rights reserved
    GuangDong ICP No. 05046166   Technical support: Ruiyi Brand
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